Message from the Clean Air Coalition (CAC) of Western NY

Membership Meeting - We're meeting up Wednesday, December 2nd to catch up and plan our next steps! Join us to hear about the EPA's new testing at Tonawanda Coke, what the DEC's final report says (in plain English) and help us figure out how we can keep Tonawanda Coke on their toes.
We're also hosting Northwinds BioDiesel, a company that wants to move into Tonawanda and be a good neighbor from the start. They're flying in to share their vision and answer our questions - we hope you can join us! As usual, we'll be at the Sheridan Parkside Community Center (169 Sheridan Parkside Drive) at 7 pm.
The EPA and DEC keep the pressure on Tonawanda Coke -This month the DEC released the final report of their air quality study. You can all 200 pages of it here - or you can check out the fact sheet we made with all the essentials - it's attached! The report clearly points to Tonawanda Coke as the most deadly polluter in Tonawanda. The EPA wrote a letter to Tonawanda Coke demanding they complete additional testing. You can find the letters here.
Holiday Party! - Please join us Thursday, December 10th at 7pm at the Ken-Ton Chamber of Commerce, 3411 Delaware for a holiday celebration! There will be good food, great people and lots to celebrate. The event is potluck, so please bring a dish to share. We're providing drinks and roast beef. RSVP to Jen with your dish and the number of people attending ASAP.
Contact Erin Heaney for further information. Hope to see each and every one of you soon!
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