Sunday, January 24, 2010

What's the Hydro-Fracking Rush?

Hundreds of New Yorkers to Rally at State Capitol Monday, January 25th

The Citizens Campaign for the Environment (CCE) released a report entitled "Protecting New York's Air, Land, Water and People—What's the Hydro-Fracking Rush?" The report outlines the problems of the controversial “hydro-fracking” plan being proposed in the Marcellus and Utica shale and provides key policy recommendations for elected officials. Hydro-fracking, or high volume hydraulic fracturing, is a potentially dangerous method of natural gas drilling that threatens to contaminate NY’s water, land, and air.

On Monday, January 25th, at the west side of the State Capitol Building, hundreds of members of the public, from across NYS, will call on Governor Paterson and the NYS Legislature to delay the rush to drill and stand up for the protection of our water, land, and air.

“While gas is valuable, clean air to breathe and safe water to drink are priceless,” said Dereth Glance, CCE Executive Program Director. “Until hydro-fracking is proven safe and the true costs are exposed ; we need to STOP New York’s rush to drill.”

For more Information on Monday’s Rally and a link to the CCE report, click here.
For a Fact Sheet on hydro-fracking, click here.

On the same day, advocates for national gas exploration will also hold a rally in Albany in support of Marcellus drilling. See a news release here.

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