Sunday, October 31, 2010

Local Candidates endorsed by NY League of Conservation Voters

The New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) is a non-partisan, policy making and political action organization that works to make environmental protection a top priority with elected officials, decision-makers and the voters by evaluating incumbent performance and endorsing and electing environmental leaders to office in NY State.

NYLCV recommends the candidate most likely to be an environmental leader.

Every election year, NYLCV develops candidate questionnaires that detail their Board's Policy Priorities, and candidates are interviewed by their Regional Boards.

Western NY candidates endorsed by the NYLCV are Brian Higgins and Louise Slaughter for Congress, Antoine Thompson for State Senate, and Sam Hoyt for State Assembly. Click on a candidate's name to read the full endorsement.

NYLCV also endorsed Andrew Cuomo for Governor, based on a record of accomplishment and a strong plan for a clean energy future.

Vote on Tuesday, November 2.
To find your polling place and see a list of candidates, Click Here, and then enter your address and zip code.

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