For those looking to get out and celebrate New Year’s Eve with a crowd, The Buffalo News describes some of the activities going on around town.
VIDEO: Watch the Ball Drop
Buffalo Sports Fans: It's OK to "drop the ball" on New Year's Eve! Watch a preview of what's to come in the video. Couch potatoes can watch the real deal happen on TV channel 7 at midnight.
Metro Rail extends service for New Year’s Eve event
Travel to New Year's Eve events in downtown Buffalo in an eco-friendly way. Take the Metro Rail. Also, no worries about driving, traffic or parking.
Don't get "hurt in a car"...
If you overdo it at your favorite Buffalo watering hole, don't drive home. Phone "Designated Drivers of Buffalo" at 713-7703 to get yourself and your car home safely for free, up to a maximum drop-off distance of 20 miles (might be a good idea for the bars to prominently display this phone number tonight). The law offices of William "hurt in a car" Mattar are paying the fare for any inebriated bar patron in the City of Buffalo.

It doesn't happen very often...only once in a blue moon. Generally there's only one full moon per month. But there will be two full moons in December, the second one on New Year's Eve. The second one is called a "blue moon", because it's a rare occurrence. The last blue moon on New Year's Eve occurred almost 20 years ago. It's not really blue in color, and it will be full and bright white, unlike the colorized, eclipsed moon in the photo.
The 29.5-day cycle of the moon matches up pretty well with the length of calendar months (moon = moonths, errr months...get it?). Two full moons in one month happen about every 2.5 years. The last time a blue moon fell on December 31st was in 1990, and the next time won't be until 2028, according to NASA.
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